Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Video: Tropical Storm Debby claims fatality

>>> good evening. already tonight a big part of the florida is feeling the high wind and rain from tropical storm debbie as millions remain on edge and on alert for its eventual land fall . forecasters have had a hard time nailing down where the storm is headed. this storm has already proved dangerous. with winds now sustained at 60 miles per hour. a tropical storm warning is up tonight from the miss miss/alabama border into northwestern florida . louisiana's governor has already declared a state of emergency . the weather channel 's mike seidel is in north reddington beach florida near tampa.

>> reporter: they're getting pounded on these beaches. tropical storm debby has already claimed its first fatality. oil rigs have been evacuated. this is the first flooding here since 1993 , nearly 20 years ago. take a look at these 8 to 10 foot waves battering these beaches. that's going to be the story of the storm here in the coast. huge impact with beach erosion and inland too, as much as seven inches of rain. so far, water rescues and clearwater so far this afternoon. a tornado watch up until 8:00, and that will likely be extended. take a look at the radar, a huge broad swirl with debby, heavy rainfalls. with the slow movement of debby northeast at three miles an hour now, some areas could top 15 inches of rain. we're more confident now it's not going to texas, but leak at the red zone , the cone from louisiana to florida , it may not make landfall for three more days, more wind and rain pounding these areas until maybe wednesday. and fema tonight, lester is urging all residents to heed the warnings of this dangerous storm. next high tide at 5:00 a.m ., and once again the gulf of mexico is going to go right into the pool here at the hotel.

>> a soaked my seidel starting us off tonight, thanks.

jorge posada maurice sendak state of the union sotu boehner john boehner demi moore hospitalized

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